Little Miss My Complete Collection By Roger Hargreaves 36 Books Set

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Little Miss My Complete Collection By Roger Hargreaves 36 Books Set


1. Little Miss BossyLittle Miss Bossy liked to boss everybody around, which nobody liked. When the wizard named Wilfred saw how bossy she was, he decided something ought to be done and he introduced her to something even bossier than her.

2. Little Miss NaughtyLittle Miss Naughty was the naughtiest person you’ll ever meet. When the Mr Men decide they’d had enough of Little Miss Naughty’s naughtiness, they called on a friend to help teach her a lesson.3. Little Miss NeatLittle Miss Neat was a very tidy person, everything has its place. And every summer she goes on holiday for a week. What will happen when Mr Muddle visits while she’s out?4. Little Miss SunshineWhile Little Miss Sunshine was driving home from her holiday she ran across a signpost. To Miseryland. What will happen to the crying folks of Miseryland when Little Miss Sunshine comes to visit.5. Little Miss TinyLittle Miss Tiny lives in a mousehole. She is so sad because she’s so small, so small that nobody even knows that she exists. What will happen when she gets brave enough to go outside? Will she find friends to talk to?6. Little Miss TroubleOne day Little Miss Trouble was causing trouble, again. Telling lies about Mr Small. Then Mr Small and Dr Makeyouwell came up with an idea to show Little Miss Trouble that too much trouble is no fun.7. Little Miss GigglesOne terrible day Little Miss Giggles lost her giggle! Where did it go? Follow along as Mr Happy tries to find her giggle again.8. Little Miss HelpfulLittle Miss Helpful was one of those people who loved to help other people, but who ended up helping nobody.9. Little Miss MagicWhen Little Miss Magic told something to do something, it did it! So when Mr Tickle and his long arms were tickling too much, Mr Happy asked Little Miss Magic to help.10. Little Miss ShyLittle Miss Shy couldn’t decide whether or not she would go to Mr Funny’s party. People frightened her, but she didn’t want to be rude… Will she get over her fear of people and go to Mr Funny’s party?11. Little Miss SplendidNothing was too good for Little Miss Splendid. So when she saw the most splendid hat you’ve ever seen, she had to get it. But it wasn’t long before the hat started to cause some problems…12. Little Miss TwinsLittle Miss Twin and Little Miss Twin, both of them, lived in Twoland. In Twoland everything comes in two. Follow Mr Nosey the time he visited Twoland and met Little Miss Twin and Little Miss Twin.13. Little Miss ChatterboxLittle Miss Chatterbox, just like her brother Mr Chatterbox, talked all the time. This is a story about the time Little Miss Chatterbox decided to get herself a job. But what job will suit her chattiness?14. Little Miss DottyNonesenseland was holding the Nonsense Cup again, this time for the dottiest idea of the year. And Little Miss Dotty was sure she would win. Will Little Miss Dotty come up with the dottiest idea in Nonsenseland.15. Little Miss LateLittle Miss Late doesn’t mean to be late, but she always is! A bold Little Miss storybook that fans of Mr Men and Little Miss will love!16. Little Miss LuckyIt was late at night and Little Miss Lucky heard a knock at the door. When she got up to see who was there nobody was outside. And things only got worse. Is Little Miss Lucky really all that lucky?17. Little Miss ScatterbrainLittle Miss Scatterbrain was just a little bit forgetful. Follow Little Miss Scatterbrain as she went through her scatterbrained day trying to run errands.18. Little Miss StarLittle Miss Star was very popular, but not famous. And she wanted to be. But then Little Miss Star had an idea. How will she become famous?19. Little Miss BusyLittle Miss Busy loved nothing more than to be hard at work, keeping herself busy. But when she got ill the doctor said she needed a lot of rest. Whatever will a busybody like Little Miss Busy do stuck in bed?20. Little Miss QuickLittle Miss Quick was always in a terrible hurry, but this meant that she also was very careless. See what happened when Little Miss Quick helped out the postman, Mr Strong and the zookeeper.21. Little Miss WiseLittle Miss Wise liked to go for a walk every day. On her walks, she often met other people who were not quite so wise. Will she be able to be wise and keep her friends?22. Little Miss TidyIn Little Miss Tidy’s house, everything had its place. But being absent-minded, Little Miss Tidy couldn’t remember where she’d put things when she tidied up. Can Little Miss Tidy’s friends help her remember where she put things?23. Little Miss GreedyLittle Miss Greedy was greedy, indeed. It was her cousin, Mr Greedy’s, birthday and he invited her to tea. What did Little Miss Greedy get her cousin for his birthday?24. Little Miss FickleLittle Miss Fickle couldn’t make up her mind about anything. But when she went missing, it was Little Miss Neat who couldn’t decide where to find Little Miss Fickle. Will Little Miss Neat find Little Miss Fickle?25. Little Miss BrainyLittle Miss Brainy knew an awful lot of things, and people came from far and wide to ask her questions. But the questions were too simple. So she travelled to a place called Cleverland, where she hoped everybody would ask her difficult questions.26. Little Miss StubbornOnce Little Miss Stubborn had made up her mind there was no unmaking it. How stubborn is Little Miss Stubborn? See what happens when she went to Mr Strong’s for some eggs.27. Little Miss CuriousLittle Miss Curious always wanted to know the how and why and what of everything. Are you as curious as Little Miss Curious?28. Little Miss FunLittle Miss Fun loved to have parties. Come along to one of her parties and see all the fun things that she and the Mr Men do.29. Little Miss ContraryLittle Miss Contrary always did the opposite of what you would think she would do, like show up early for Mr Happy’s birthday. Follow along as Mr Happy introduces Little Miss Contrary to the other Mr Men.30. Little Miss SomersaultLittle Miss Somersault had more energy than anybody. She often used her energy to help out other people. Until she finds out she has a great fear of heights. Will Little Miss Somersault still be able to help out the Mr Men?31. Little Miss ScaryLittle Miss Scary liked to creep up behind people and shout “BOO!” But when Mr Jelly has been scared too much, he and Mr Noisy decided to teach Little Miss Scary a lesson.32. Little Miss BadAnother delightful story from the world of Little Miss. It’s time to meet Little Miss Bad!33. Little Miss WhoopsLittle Miss Whoops really is the most accidental person in the world, just like her brother, Mr Bump. See all the accidents she has while trying to get to her brother’s house.34. Little Miss PrincessLittle Miss Princess lives in a castle with turrents and a moat. A very big castle. And Little Miss Princess has lots of people to do things for her. But Little Miss Princess isn’t rude and spoilt. She is a kind and generous, good hearted princess. One day, she decides to help an injured Mr. Bump, but as you can imagine, Little Miss Princess isn’t used to doing things herself, so everything doesn’t quite go to plan…This is a sweet and funny tale that will leave all little princesses giggling.35. Little Miss HugLittle Miss Hug is an expert hugger. More than anything else, she loves to hug her friends and make them feel better. And there are times when she hugs just for the fun of it. After all, everyone needs a hug, don’t they?36. Little Miss InventorLittle Miss Inventor is as bright as a button. She loves to invent things and has lot’s of bright ideas. What clever inventions will Little Miss Inventor come up with next?

Little Miss My Complete Collection By Roger Hargreaves 36 Books Set
