JBL TerraVit Powder (Vitamins)

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JBL TerraVit Powder (Vitamins)


Vitamins and trace elements for terrarium animals

Especially designed for reptiles and terrarium animals. Terrarium animals’ and reptiles’ tastes are very different. The right choice of food contributes to the well-being of the terrarium dwellers. Fresh high-value products, such as feeder animals and feeder insects, are part of a balanced diet, suited to their species. Growing juveniles need a lot more vitamins than adult animals. Terravit ensures an ideal supply of vitamins and trace elements for the animals. Put living feeder insects into a container and sprinkle them with TerraVit. Close the vessel and shake gently until sufficient TerraVit adheres to the animals. The right dosage depends on the diversity of the animals and their feeding patterns. Indication: 1 dosing spoon per 100 g food and week. 0.5 to 1 dosing spoon per feed for animals which feed only in longer time intervals.

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100 g

JBL TerraVit Powder (Vitamins)

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