Bhumy Amlaki Powder (Certified Organic)

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Bhumy Amlaki Powder (Certified Organic)


Primary Benefits as per Ayurveda

  • Bhumy Amlaki Powder acts as a Dietary Support.
  • Liver support, and kidney support; help to purify the liver and GI tract.
  • It supports the healthy functioning of the digestive system.
  • It supports immunity.

Other Benefits as per Ayurveda

  • Diuretic in nature, astringent, cooling, and has some antiviral properties.
  • Helpful to support healthy fluid levels in the body which are already within the normal state,
  • Helps to maintain a healthy cycle.
  • Helps to maintain healthy excretory and reproductive organs,
  • Helps to maintain a healthy digestive system.
  • Helps to maintain healthy liver functions.

Common & Uncommon Names

  • Botanical Name: Phyllanthus Niruri
  • Hindi Name: Bhuamlaki, Bhumiamlaki

Other Uncommon Names: 

Phyllanthus Plant, Child Pick-a-back, Gulf Leafflower, Black Catnip, Meniran, Chanca Piedra, Shatterstone, Stone Breaker, Quebra Pedra, Gale of Wind, Carry Me Seed, Creole Senna, Daun Marisan


  • Rasa (Taste): Astringent
  • Guna (Characteristics): Light
  • Virya (Potency): Warm
  • Vipaka (Post Digestive Effect): Astringent

As Per Ayurveda:

Bhumy Amalaki is plant powder. Supports urinary tract health, and healthy liver and GI tract functions. Bhumy Amalaki is one of the common antiviral herbs in Ayurveda.


Phyllanthin (bitter constituent) and hypophyllanthin (non-bitter compound) 4-methoxy-securinine , 4- methoxy-norsecurinine, glyco flavones ,Lintetralin Amariin,geraniin, corilagin, 1,6-digalloyl-glucopyranoside, tannin, phyllanthus in D.

Directions for Use:

Serving Size: Take 5 Gms (half to one teaspoon) 2 times a day Bhumyamalaki Powder with water 1-2 hrs after meals. Take the first dose after breakfast or take 1 teaspoon of BhumyAmalaki & soak it in 1 cup of water for an hour & take it. If you are mixing with other herbs, use BhumyAmalaki proportionately or consult your healthcare provider.

Ayurvedic Lifestyle (Healthy Tips)

  • Natural nutritional diet
  • Proper rest
  • Morning walk
  • Peaceful mind
  • Hygiene

Foods to Favor

  • Low salt diet
  • Plenty of water
  • Coconut water
  • Egg yolk
  • Berries
  • Citrus fruits like [oranges, amla, grapes, and kiwi]
  • Oats
  • Almonds
  • Vegetables like [cabbage, cauliflower, parmal, tofu]
  • Sprouts 
  • Peanuts 

Foods to Avoid 

  • Drinks rich in sugar
  • Soft drinks
  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Alcohol
  • Red meat
  • Spicy food
  • Dairy products
  • Acidic food or canned/ junk food 


  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Eat fruits rich in Vitamin C. Amla contains 20 times more vitamin C than an orange.
  • Live a life with positive thinking.
  • Follow proper hygienic conditions.


  • Avoid suppression of natural urges.
  • Avoid alcohol and smoking.
  • Avoid excessive coitus.
  • Avoid excessive stress, anger, and grief.


  • Pregnant/Lactating women, children, or any with Known pre-existing conditions should take the advice of a healthcare provider. Keep away from the reach of children.

Classical References

  • Bhavaprasksha Nighantu
  • Dravyaguna Vigana
  • Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India


  • Planta Medica, 5, 104, 1984.
  • Planta Medica, 32, 217, 1977; J Indian Chem Soc, 56, 326, 1979.
  • Tetrahedron Lett, 32, 3043, 1979.
  • Foo, Phytochemistry, 1993, 33, 487; Foo & Wong, ibid, 1992, 31, 711.

Reference Classical or Govt. Approved Books

GMP and USDA Certified Organic Manufacturing Facility: Laboratory tested for quality purity and heavy metal standards

**These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any Disease.

Bhumy Amlaki Powder (Certified Organic)
